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Friday, November 18, 2011

"What you know about dreams..."

I am fresh out of the publishing oven writing my first book of poetry called DEATH OF A BLACK STAR. I’m excited, not just for me but Sakura Publishing as well. I mean you have Dan Picone’s poetry book, LOST EVIDENTS! Also on Black Friday along with my book, Kris Campbell’s work, entitled, THE GLASS GIRL, will also be available for sale. On December 3rd, Sakura Publishing will release Brian Gansmann’s DEFEAT WHEAT: YOUR GUIDE TO ELIMINATING GLUTEN AND LOSING WEIGHT and lastly, available now Stephanie Goldman’s DID I REALLY DO MY HAIR FOR THIS? Buy these great books today!!!

Now before I get all deep like I ususally do I have to say, this journey has been a great one at that and I’ve enjoyed this whole process immensly. You want to write a book, hey…I know a guy. Sakura Publishing is where it’s at!

In the process of writing this book, I do that thing I do. I think, I reflect, I share. Soooo here I go…..

We all have dreams. Whether they’re good or bad, inspirational or depressing, whatever it is, we each possess our own that caters to our own individuality. We are complex creatures so how we view, obtain, or reach for those dreams all differ.

I remember when I believed dreams to be unobtainable. That the dream was to dream because that was all it could ever be. I flourished as a daydreamer, loosing myself in the fantasy of things. When you’re young it’s the most beautiful escape from the conformity you work so hard to be a part of. It’s not so much you wanted it as it was the feeling you needed to have it. Like it was the initiation to normalcy before you came to the understanding that there was no such thing. You wanted to blend in, you wanted to be liked. My earlier dreams where of love. I would lean forward with a slouched sloppiness onto my desk as my head rested in my hands and dream of the men I loved who I could pretend loved me back. Oh sweet adolescence… how I don’t miss you at all.

As I got a little older though still quite young and foolish, I concluded my dreams would come to me. I assumed if I wanted my dreams, well they wanted me just the same. All I had to do was just sit there. Relaxed and lazy atop of a big green hill and wait for it like a hurried wind. My dreams would envelop me as I sat there almost famous. I wanted to be a singer, an actress, a celebrity. I wanted to be somebody rather than nobody and nothing makes you feel more like a nobody than living in a small town. You feel like there’s only one dream worth having…as long as it involves being rich or famous. Those sorts of dreams appear most unrealistic to small town folk so it’s almost always more desirable to strive for what most people see as impossible. Who doesn’t want to prove everyone wrong? But I was young and still uncomfortable in my own skin and completely unaware of my real dreams.

College came and went like the perfect voyage. Some days it felt like there was no end in sight and other days you could see glimpses of possibilities. And then finally, there she is…graduation. Then the reality sets in and the uncertainty you feel, wondering if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But somehow you know it was all necessary no matter the outcome because it was the journey of joys and struggles that made the adventure worthwhile. You found out who you really were. In college I found out about my dreams, my real dreams. It really wasn’t about finding the perfect major or finding that great job that’s gonna make me millions of dollars. I guess my life would be much easier if it was. I fell in love with men and it never really worked out. I took classes I really didn’t care about but I had this one thing that surpassed it all….writing. Nothing really seemed to make me happier and poetry was the most of these. I needed college to figure that out…I just wish it didn’t cost me so much money.

I realized my dreams weren’t unobtainable and I knew I couldn’t wait for them either. I knew that if I put forth the effort to seek my dreams out then fate would have a much harder time denying me of what was rightfully mine. Eventually, if you work hard enough, the thing you were meant to do will eventually take hold of you as long as you keep reaching out for it. For the past 5 years, the only dream I can remember having is writing a book and now I’m seeing that dream come true. It’s like reality met my dream world in which they’ve inexplicably collided and have come to comfortably exist within one another. I’m really happy about this.

I have something to say and writing was the venue I was given to say what I must. It’s amazing the gifts we’re given and the need to share it to the world. Whether you’re a basketball player working towards a championship, an activist fighting for justice, or a writer publishing a book, we need YOU out there to be a part of it. I’m hungry for the reader, the stranger who will read my words and love it. For the reader who will want more of me because they understand or because they can relate or even because it makes them want to do something about it. It’s about my impact on you and the emotions I can evoke out of you.

My book is here and I’ve reached a dream as I know you will yours. There are a many more to be realized and more accomplishments to be reached by all of us because there is always a beginning and never a ending when you get the hang of it, just unfinishing’s.

DEATH OF A BLACK STAR will be released on Black Friday (11-25-11)!!!! You can pre-order it today!