It's Monday afternoon and my friend says the perfect thing to me, "Do you want to go to the movies?" And I, like a cobra about to strike a little furry mouse, snap back, "Are you paying?" "Yeeeeaaa," he stretches out like I'm loosing my mind. "Hells yea," I scream ready to jump off the walls. But this is the deal, there are two things that will make me the happiest woman in the world and that is ofcourse, going to the movies or offering me some type of food. Preferably something sweet, even more preferably, ice cream or something of the chocolate sort. Its actually happened before, where I'll argue with my guy friend and he'll offer me some food and its like all of a sudden a "Men in Black" agent wipes my memory clean, like the argument never happenend. The power of providing me with a free movie and an abundant supply of deliciousness is ridiculous...I'll practically roll over and play dead. Hey, I'll go fetch a stick. You can practically have me wrapped around your little finger.
So I call my bestfriend because on top of that, he says he'll pay for her too and now that I think about it, I should've asked for a brand new car. And I'm pretty upset that only now did I think of that. Anyway, so the three of us head to the theatre to see ofcourse my recent addiction- book turned movie "Eat, Pray, Love." I read the book prior to seeing the movie because I know that books are usually better than the movie. Only because books can be much more detailed and thorough than a two hour movie can allow. Sometimes the movie versions cut out, edit, or add to, thus taking away the greatness of the story. In the end, I did enjoy the movie but I would recommend giving the book a read because yea, its better.

As we sit down to watch the movie, I'm amped with excitement ready to focus and concentrate on this huge screen that I'm fully prepared to pretend is my world for two hours until... Time out, ring the alarm, sound the friggin trumpets, my other two friends start chatting it up like we were in some public restuarant. What the hell! I was baffled, these crazy kids want to talk now, they weren't even talking like this in the previews. The opening credits begin and I take a deep breath and close my eyes and I told myself I can just zone them out. And that this knife called irritation is going to stop cutting me any minute now. Basically, that didn't work so I did what any normal person would do...I moved a couple seats down and acted like I didn't know them.
During the movie, there was some weird moments happening off screen like one of my friends randomly disappeared. I searched everywhere and was about to go CSI:SVU but just as I was about to get all Olivia Benson, she eventually turned up. Then my other friend I think may have cried or teared up but wouldn't admit it. Hey, personally I wouldn't have mind if he did. There's something very irresistible about a man who cries. For instance, remember when Matt Damon cried in Good Will Hunting, Denzel Washington in John Q, even Pacey Witter from Dawson's Creek. Men's men can every now again, release some tears. Its not illegal and given the right circumstance, its very sexy. Personally, I don't see what the problem is and why men just can't let go and stop caring about societies views on how men should act or behave and all that other blah, blah, blah...Men, I give you the cry pass, use it, embrace it k!
After the movie ended, we didn't exactly leave because of all the maze-like hallways and confusing exit signs that looked alot like the other doors to another movie. Silly us, we somehow found ourselves in a another movie-go figure. But I guess sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and the flow was Scott Pilgram vs. The World.

In front of us was a row of irritating high school boys who were so annoying I almost wanted to shove popcorn down their throat so maybe, just maybe, we could get some peace and quiet. Throughout the movie, they kept yelling their annoying little hearts out to get laughs that would never come. As the movie got weirder and cooler, we began to get into this quirky, hilariously dark humored, and visually stimulating movie. IDK if it was Scott Pilgram's 7 evil ex's he had to kill or the random ADD scenes within a scene like they do in Family Guy that made us start to act goofy and really get into this movie but I really liked it.

Unfortunately, we only stayed for an hour because my friend and I had been anticipating this new Step Up 3D movie. Seeing how we were unprepared for the 3D aspect of the movie, my handy dandy ninja friend went to the recycle ben of 3D glasses and succesfully grapped us a pair. I'm not ashamed because it wasn't me this particular time who committed such a heinous crime and I also didn't get my hand stuck either. But I would like to thank my friend for getting those glasses because if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have been able to enjoy those great scenes that made us feel as if we were dancing right alongside these characters even though we sat firmly in our comfortably laid back chairs.
Essentially, the movie was booooooo! Seriously, there were some good scenes here in there(which would be the dancing scenes)and because no one was in the movie, I got to get up and dance whenever I felt like it-always a positive. The two main white characters where the worst dancers of any of the step up movies. They need to find a new story because getting two white people to save the world one day at a time is getting much too old especially in dancing-thats going a little too far don't you think. However, If there was ever a reason for me to retract that last statement, it would be my white boyfriend Adam Sevani aka "Moose".

There's nothing like a nerdy looking guy who can dance. He's such a contradiction and I love it. I love him. The second "Step Up" movie didn't showcase his dancing the way the third one did and I enjoyed it. He's very talented. Ofcourse the So You Think You Can Dance dancers were in the movie and that was more than neat. All the sytycd geeks including myself would all agree. Always after a dance movie you want to dance so it wasn't surprising when me and my friend just decided to have a dance battle in the parking lot of the movie theater. I think he won but if I can defend myself, he was grinding and rolling all over the place like a snake in heat while I tried to tackle the aggressive krump that made me look like I was having epileptic seizures. It was a fun time though and I'm just glad we made it out because being lost in three movies before finding the real exit sign was Not cool. I'm just glad we made it alive.