what dwells in me, I see the same as it dwells around me in the way the trees sway or the way the clouds move or the way he looks at me. I love when love is brought forth and somehow a miracle is born. I love how powerful and strong it is, driving out hate and its minions by lifting its pinky finger to fling it away. I love that God is love. All I care to end up with when everything else is gone is love...

I Love...
musics' capalities of infinite possibilities: to be either completely worldly and at other times, completely other worldly, depending on what you want it to be at any given moment. You either allow the music to swarm you with emotions, thoughts, or feelings you have suppressed or related to thus bleeding into you the reminders of the pain or bliss you once had or still have. Or its like taking you inside this massive aircraft, transcending you through space and time into a place you’ve never been or felt but you want to. Music makes you feel like you’ve been there. It creates the most vivid pictures, the realest dreams.

I Love...
dance because it is an act of freedom, a declaration to give your limbs utter freedom to move how they wanna move, to do what they wanna do and you will not hinder them but invite them into a place of no rules but to move. There is nothing more satisfying than dancing amongst a crowd of people and one by one, they slowly disappear. Your eyes have closed off the world and all that’s left is you and the music and your limbs interpreting what it hears. Bliss
I Love
the kiss. Every time a new guy entered my life, there was, for me anyway, the anticipation of the first kiss. When it would happen? How it would happen? What if it’s good? What if it’s bad? The over thinking of the inevitable first kiss. Maybe I should give a peck, maybe a little bit of tongue; I would literally drive myself crazy on how to deliver the perfect, memorable kiss.

The build up to it would always give me a little bit of anxiety but the funny part is…literally as soon as my mouth slightly opens and my eyes close, the thinking finally stops. I no longer care and my brain shuts off and my mouth and tongue do what it is in their nature to do. I become a vessel then, accepting what happens from then on out and enjoying the pleasure that follows. It happens this way every time, its comical to me. When the kiss begins, I am completely melted into it. Lips are soft and sensitive (sweet even) so I find it most pleasurable and could do it all night. I’ll never understand why some people don’t like it…
I Love...
nature beacuse of its beauty and I cannot for the life of me take my brown eyes away from it. It captivates me no matter how many times I see the same view, the same scenery. It never gets tired. I could study its nakedness for hours and stare at this honest picture it paints and it never lies and somehow remains effortlessly beautiful…always.

Even a storm looks striking to me. The aftermath of nature could leave a devastating trail behind, leaving many bitter about her, but I just can’t be mad at her. She’s Pandora for sure, she’s just too damn beautiful and I’ll fall for her every time.
I Love...
my family and friends. I have an unrelenting, undeviating, everlasting love for each and every one of them. You would think after all these things I love that somehow I would have a shortage. Trust me when I say even after my family and friends, after everything I’ve listed, I still have a back up love and a back up love to back up that love and so on. In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert from her book Eat, Pray, Love, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW STRONG MY LOVE IS!”
What do you love?
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