It's a question we quietly contemplate in our minds, secretly pondering the possibilties of the impossible. Hoping that one day when no one is least expecting it, in our ordinary clothes with our ordinary hair, we'll jumb up to the sky with an ephiphany that would shock even "the unavoidable" itself. Filled with shear excitement, every light hidden encased within our flesh is now rushing to breach the skin. Suddenly its radiance bursts through our pores and like a sun, our brightness would cause our friends to squint. The answer would have all bowing down at our feet.
Sometimes you don't want to deal with the baggage the unavoidable carries with it. Then there's the other factor, you run and you keep running until it eventually catches up with you anyway. And you know the unavoidable won't stop, not until it consumes you with its black laughter ready to take its dark hole and eat you like a hungry evil. Some make it out alive but its unlikely that if you do, you'll be the same you once were. After surviving the unavoidable, it's possible it can make you stronger but I warn you, those who survive have a much higher power on their side. What can combat with the heavy bearings of life also known as the unavoidable.To keep you alive but not just alive but happy and joyful inspite of it all. In my opinion that would be God. You can face the unavoidable by yourself and be a miserable mess from the torture the unavoidable put you through. The battle is always harder when your fighting alone.
So how do we stop it?
This is where I give you my genius all inspiring answer. Do you know the smartest answer I could come up with? Wherever you live, leave to the furthest opposite and find a cave or mountain. Set up shop there. Everyone's unavoidable is different and maybe the Tibeten mountains could relieve you from your Illinois unavoidables or wherever you are. You could be like that guy Daniel Suelo, who lives in a cave because he said with money he was always lacking so to the desert he went and never used money again.
The unavoidable is packed with problems, issues, dilemmas, many factors that can quite frankly be sort of overwhelming. But the caveman attitude is flawed too I'm afraid. Even if you hide across the world...you may not have witnessed the wrath of the unavoidable but oh boy did it reak havoc and left ripples for all your families and friends to gossip about for decades to come. Plus the mountains and caves, as good as it sounded for 2.5 seconds...it just means incredible lonliness, awkward moments with squirrels, or you could end up being chased by a scary breed of predators. Ok, the last one was stretching it but after that movie The Descent, I wouldn't cross it off my list. Makes you think twice about caves you know.
This is where I say I'm sorry
There's no real answer to avoiding the unavoidable but you probably knew that. I just needed something to write about basically. But I do think about it when I'm so sick of this unavoidable filled with choas that I'm not prepared to deal with. But I guess dealing is better than avoiding because it just fuels the unavoidable to become bigger and blacker that can tear you to pieces until it makes sure you can never recover. So indulging in a question like this for too long is pointless because point blank....you can't.
Muster up all your ammo...your friends, family, your strength, God and do it. Tackle it, fight it in slow motion like those 300 guys and revel in the glory that you chose to fight rather than run...than give up. Even if you just have you and God...thats a powerful power you have on your side and get through it. Trust me its better this why...I wouldn't lie to you.
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