District America
In District America, we are all aliens. Our true eyes have sunken from view and in its place corruption lurks. Face to face, we stand unrecognizable to one another though we are exactly the same. We refuse to find solace in the only place that can provide it. Instead like rampant dogs, we chase that pretty green meat and our razor like jaws eat every piece until nothing remains but our thirsty saliva that even then…we lick dry. In green, there is everything that is envy and greed and with every taste, watch yourself become more malicious…more vindictive…more inhumane.
Side by side, we detest the wealth and filth we created together yet roaming to untainted lands and filling it with the same mess we came from. We are so unaware of the chaos we create and spread that we blame on others until our lies have become true. Because yes we can live with this…this idea that we are much more loving than we truly are. We are a melting pot separated…a jambalaya bland. We fall so far and haven’t realized that we are on the ground dying.
A woman told me that people should always come first but in District America, people come last. We have found that our priorities are like that of an animal, that would rather starve in need of territory than nourish off food to survive. Honestly I’m frightened by our lack of care for one another…our lack of compassion. And I’m talking about genuine and sincere care that seems to a mere thought desired by people but in the end incapable to be obtained. We are like a hand pulling at a string and at first we try to hold on to it. It seems as if our eyes have set on something better even but inturn it is much worse.
Don't lose your humanity and compromise the only thing in this life worth keeping. To live in this world like an alien would be like you were never here...living lost and in constant captivity. Deprived of love, mercy, and compassion would be to me..a life not worth living at all. I will not cry for those who have let themselves be transformed and made so ugly that they have created an outer shell appearing to be marvelous but they are indeed…on the inside….ugly. I will never be that….I promise you